
Where can i buy "bong water" energy drink?

by  |  earlier

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They used to sell it in a convenience store down the street and I can't seem to find it any more. Can I order it online or are there any stores that you know of that sell it?




  1. Hey!

    Sorry... I have never heard of bong water energy drinks.  I don't even like energy drinks... sorry!  =[


    Hope I helped!

  2. Try and see if the manufacturer sells the drink online.  You may have to order in case sizes, but so what. You'll probably save money from buying in a 7-11 or other convenience store.

    If they don't then switch brands.  I have been drinking King 888 for a while now and its freakin' awesome.  You can order that energy drink online here:

  3. Try to contact the manufacturer. They often have a list of anbody in your area that they sell too. If you don't know who makes it then look up They review ALL drinks and may have that information for the bong water.

  4. Check here,

    You will find what you like!

    Good luck!

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