
Where can i buy saltpeter?

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Where can i buy saltpeter?




  1. Saltpeter is also called sodium or, more commonly, potassium nitrate.

    It was formerly used as a food preservative. It may still be used for that purpose in some cases, so a place that sells food chemicals may have it, but they would probably only have it for sale in wholesale quantities..  

    If you can find an older, independent, drug or hardware store (not a US chain store) they may have it.

    Many chemicals were used by a lot of people early in 1900's and they were readily available to the public.  Many of them disappeared from store shelves after being made illegal and most others had sales dwindle to almost nothing, so they were not replaced.

    While some disappeared early, others were still openly available until recently, so you might still find stock somewhere, probably in a small town where an independent store had a chance of survival.

    Other than that, you can look into stores that sell occult products. (It is used in some incense products)

    You can order it on-line, from a variety of sources.

    You might find it on e-bay.

    A note of caution:

    Before you buy any of it , you may want to read this article from CBC.


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