
Where can i buy skunk meat?

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Don't ask why but I've been told that a skin condition that I have will be cured with skunk meat.. so I want to try it .. I live in the city and there are no skunks and even if there where I wouldn't know what to do with it or catch it skin it and eat it.. I'd rather pay for someone to do that.. any takers?




  1. This smells kind of fishy, I mean skunkky...

  2. Look for roadkill/

  3. Did the Native American at the casino tell you that the skunk meat would help?

  4. Your worst enemy must have given you this advice, or a best friend is playing a prank on you. To catch a skunk you run the risk of getting sprayed- after you get through puking, you will have to get rid of the smell- mankind will not allow you within smelling distance of them,until you do. This is something you need to just forget about.

  5. at the "stinker" gas station??


    seriously, having been around the medical field thru family members, I cannot think of a single skin condition that would be affected by skunk meat. The meat of the skunk is actually no different than that of any other mammal. The difference is in the glands that secret the obnoxious "spray" that the skunk uses for self defense. And trust me, That stuff won't help any condition except scaring off unwanted visitors!! I think someone is feeding you an old wives tale, or thaey are playing a practicle joke on you. Better to see a qualified dermatoligist and get the right answers.

    Good luck

  6. for free on a skunk

  7. Wow, sure does sound like BS to me. Someone must be pulling your leg. Why not see a doctor instead?

  8. Skunk population is down where I live.   I'll get you one for free if I see one.  Why don't you try looking around online at those oriental shops that sell things like bear gall bladders, deer antlers, buffalo horns, tiger privates and such.

  9. if you lived near me I'd get you one

    I'm a little bored with all the heat up here in the blue ridge

    VA that is

  10. Also Star, skunks are rabies carriers.  Skunks & bats can actually survive up to six months with rabies, something that can kill other mammals in less than six weeks.  Good luck, but I really don't think skunk meat will help.


  11. in the whitehouse kiddo haha

  12. You didn't say where you were for a "real" answer to come up.  Edit your details. I live in Texas and never found skunk meat before.

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