
Where can i buy spermicidal lube in brisbane?

by  |  earlier

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i need an exact shop/chemist/pharmicist name please. ive looked everywhere & cant find any




  1. Why do you keep asking this question?  You should know you don't need it to m********e.

  2. Spermacidal lube and condoms is going out of fashion.  It's benefits were minimal. It caused more rashes and infections for women and in the end the industry didn't see any overall positive benefit to their use.  Spermacides came into vogue during the HIV/AIDS scare of the 80's.  The idea was that killing the sperm would kill the virus.  But normal condom use is just as effective and carries with it none of the side effects.  Today I think it'd be difficult to find them in any pharmacy.  You may have to take your chances at finding them online if it's something you really need.

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