
Where can i buy the 'energy drink' that Michael Phelps uses at the olympics ...?

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  1. idk why people continue to accuse him of doping....he asked to get extra testing for this reason. and he has come up clean EVERY TIME. he tests every day. stop being jealous and accept that he is amazing.

  2. he gets his energy from 12,000 calories he eats each day. i also dont think he is a man. he is part porpoise.  

  3. at hte olipics da!!!!!!!!

  4. at the hard work cafe.....

  5. it's called train in the water for 5 hours a day, then go into the weight room and workout, eat 10,000 calories a day, and get a good nights sleep and do it all over again. it is possible for an athlete to be the great, without using anything. and i'm sick of people accusing others of doing something. he goes through extra drug testing every night after a swim and he's been clean. it's called hard work, try it sometime.

  6. (WebMD) During a 2004 Summer Olympics awash in controversies over steroids and supplements, one sportswriter wryly noticed that top American swimmer Michael Phelps was playing it safe -- he preferred to drink Carnation Instant Breakfast between races.

    So if you want to buy some start running (or swimming) to your nearest grocery store.  :)

  7. its made from Oil from iraq

  8. dude, enough already. man.....

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