
Where can i buy vegetarian marshmallows from?

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I need some to take on my guide camp for the girls and i have a couple of strcit veggies, any one know where i can buy some?




  1. If you have any arabic super markets near then you could get them from there. They're 'halal' so instead of using gelatin from pigs they substitute it with some type of plant..

  2. Vegan Sweets is made by Pangea (their website, by the way, is

    Sweet & Sara has great marshmallow products.  You can get them at,, and  Or go to the Sweet & Sara website ( to find out if a store in your area carries it.

    Most marshmallows contain gelatin, and even kosher ones may contain fish gelatin, so they would not be vegetarian, much less vegan.


    Although they'r eout of stock at the moment.

  4. Your local health food store or Sweet & Sara -

  5. If you have a healthfood store near you, they might have them. Otherwise, you can get them on line. has pretty good ones, and they're a trustworthy place.


    Whole food stores and some grocery stores have them.  If you need more information you can check the other 50 identical questions that have been asked on here.  There are hundreds of answers.

  7. If you live near a Whole Foods I know they are available there, they may be a little pricey though.  But its worth it if you like Rice Krispy treats! YUM!

    If you are to make rice krispies with them i recommend, Earth Balance as the butter! So yummy!

    If you go to the bottom of that link you can find where to buy or order the marshmallows online.

    Have Fun!

  8. Maybe trader joes has them

  9. Let try a health food store or Bayho Inc.

  10. As far as I'm aware you can't buy them without gelatin in. Be nice you hear you can though!

  11. I wasn't aware they had meat products in them, but maybe you meant vegan. Anyway, try a health-food store.

    *Sorry, I am a vegetarian and I really didn't know.

  12. If the package has the Kosher sign on it (a U or K with a circle around it) then there aren't any animal products.

  13. you can buy them online at

  14. I didn't know they made vegetarian marshmallows. Maybe ask the parents if they can bring their own for the girls? Maybe a health food store has them. How about get all the girls together and make your own from a recipe? Learn something new.

  15. Make your own.  It may take longer, but at least you know what is in them:

    As long as you eat eggs this recipe should be okay:

    1/2 pt water

    10oz granulated sugar

    3 dessertspoons powdered gelatine (vegetarian gelatine available)

    1 egg white (can use powered if you are concerned about using raw eggs)

    1tbsp icing sugar

    1 tbsp cornflour

    Line a baking tin with greaseproof paper and dredge with a mixture of cornflour and icing sugar.

    Put half the water and the granulated sugar into a pan and dissolve over a gentle heat stirring with a metal spoon.  Once the sugar crystal have dissolved, bring to the boil and continue to boil without stirring until the temperature reaches 260F/127C (you will need a sugar/candy thermometer for this).  

    While the syrup is boiling dissolve the gelatine with the rest of the water and whisk up the egg white very stiffly.

    Put the dissolved gelatine into a large mixing bowl and pour the syrup over it.  Add any flavourings(see below) and whisk well.

    Add the egg white and continue beating until the mixture is very thick and white.  Pour into the prepared tin and leave for 12 hours to set.

    When is is completely set cut into rounds or fancy shapes and roll in the cornflour and icing mixture and leave for another 12 hours to dry.

    This second recipe is slightly easier, but I don't think it gives such good results:

    2 dessertspoons Powdered gelatine (you can buy vegetarian geleatine

    2.5 floz water

    4oz  white granulated sugar

    5floz glucose syrup

    Mix the gelatine and water in a small basin and allow it to soften.  Place the basin in a pan of boiling water and stir until the gelatine has dissolved

    Add the sugar and continue stirring over the heat until the sugar has dissolved completely.

    Put the glucose syrup into a large mixing bowl, then add the gelatine and sugar mixture to the syrup and beat for about 15 minutes or until the mixture is very thick and white.

    Pour the marshmallow into a prepared tin and smooth the top with a knife.  Allow it to stand in a cool place for about 1 hour until set.  Not in the fridge.  Remove from the tin onto a wooden board, lightly dusted with a mix of cornflour and icing sugar.

    Cut into squares with a sharp knife lightly wetted with cold water, then rol each piece in the cornflour and icing sugar.  

    Glucose syrup can be bought from health food shops or the chemist.

    Colourings:  You could add food colourings at the whisking stage before the marshmallow becomes too thick.






    vanilla extract

    lemon or orange





  16. You can order them online from

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