
Where can i buy vegetarian meats?

by Guest31641  |  earlier

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I live in Pennsylvania. Are there certain shops that have them or can I find them at a supermarket?




  1. there are no vegetarian meats

  2. meats and vegetarian?

  3. Beef is vegetarian because cattle only eat grass and grain which are OK for vegetarians to eat. Buy a steak and enjoy!

    I love animals, they taste great.

    I only eat the ones I love.

  4. Most large grocery stores have at least some. Even a super walmart near you would carry a small amount. Other chain stores that might be near you, such as Stop N Shop, Price Chopper, and Hannafords, would have more. All three of them have decent veg/organic selection.

  5. I know wall-mart carrys them, target (maybe) dominics or jewel, or maybe even cosco.

    look in the meats section, if you cant find somthing, you can always as a worker. HOPE THIS HELPS :]

  6. Your local grocery store, Wal-Mart, Whole Foods, and health food stores.

  7. Publix has them as does Winndixie. Actually any large supermarket should.

  8. whole foods.  

    or just go to your supermarket.

  9. There's no such thing.

  10. if u want a surefire place check out trader Jose or Lassen's but i don't know if you have them over there hopefully

  11. Supermarket. Almost any supermarket nowadays.

  12. Whole Foods and Trader Joe's carry seitan and other soy-based fake meat products. Don't know if you have these in your area.

  13. I live 10 minutes from Harrisburg.  I shop at Giant for all of our groceries, but you can get faux meat at Walmart and pretty much every other grocery store.

    It's in the frozen section at most places and sometimes with the produce.  Giant has a TON of that kind of stuff.  There are also whole stores dedicated to vegetarians.

  14. Hi,

    Morningstar Farms makes a bunch of meatless meats, yum!

    the sausages even have those creepy bits but since it's not meat it's not disgusting!

    find them in the freezer section of just about any grocery store.

    i like their burgers best, boca burgers are ok, but not as good.

    there's harvest burger or something, their burgers are good, but not meatlike.

  15. all stores have vegetarian foods.  ask for service next time you are there.

    I love the vege burgers and brats!!!

  16. meat is meat.  if its vegetarian its not meat

  17. Wholefoods Market

    Trader Joe's

    Your local Asian groceries (i.e. Vietnamese, Chinese, etc.) should also have vegetarian meats such as mock duck, vegetarian ham, vegetarian chicken, etc. as well as baked tofu which is also a very good meat-replacement. :)


    You can order them online..I order all my groceries online-its awesome

  19. The vegetarian meat you talking about is mostly used on chinese style food.

    It made from flour and other stuff, 100% no meat.

    They made it in a way that it taste like meat.

    Maybe you can try to find it at your supermarket chinese section or over at chinatown.

    They come in can or packet.

    hope it help

  20. your question is an oxymoron.  the whole point of vegetarianism is to avoid eating MEAT.

  21. if you have a whole foods next to you go there they have everything you want if your trying to become and vegitarian and all the meats ask any one there and they will let your know what to even cook with what i used to work there for 3 years and have been a vegitarian my whole life they are the best i dont buy my vegitarian meats from walmart there isnt that good of a variety and they usually are going outta date like the  next day!

  22. It's not meat if it is vegetarian.

  23. jewel and dominicks

  24. la la land

  25. I live in north carolina and i found a lot of interesting "meats" at lowes food.  i dont know if you have that there but its just like food lion or safeway or bi-lo, im not sure what's in pennsylvania.  but most grocery stores have a semi nice selection of vegetarian meats.  lowes food even had vegetarian deli meats for cold cut sandwiches.  i would check not only the frozen food section but also near the produce.  i tend to find vegetarian products next to the bags of salad.

  26. Do you have a Kroger near you? That's wear I go to buy Morning Star Prodcuts ( ' fake ' meat ). I haven't tried any other store besides Kroger, maybe Walmart.

  27. i thought vegetarians stay away from meats?

  28. If you can order online, here are your best options:

    There's a new company called Veggie Brothers that has some pretty good stuff (

    I've never ordered from them, but check out May Wah (

    Many grocery stores, Whole Foods, or your local natural foods store should carry any of the following:

    Amy's makes some pretty good veggie burgers.

    Lightlife has a whole host of analogues from deli slices to crumbles to faux "bacon" to meal starter strips.

    Yves also has some great analogues, including crumbles and deli slices.

    Tofurkey, in addition to its holiday roast, makes deli slices , veggie dogs, and sausages.

  29. walmart has them 100%, in the green whole family are vegetarians :)

    and they also have the good chicken meat at the health food store :D

  30. A Vegetarian Butcher Shop?Trader Joe's.Health food store?

  31. Vegetarians don't eat meat.  You can buy soy based 'meat substitutes' in the frozen food section of any grocery store.

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