
Where can i buy wheat germ oil?

by Guest34510  |  earlier

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i searched my local grocery store but had no luck. is there an specific area in the store i might've missed?




  1. Sprouts...or any health food store should have it.  This might sound weird but have you tried Wal-Mart?  They just might have it...

  2. Vitamin Shoppe

  3. Try a health food store in ur area.

    Go to the service desk in ur local supermarket & ask them, if they don't have it they might be able to get it in or tell u where to get it from

    (phone number,address)

    good luck.  

  4. Is there an organic section?  It probably should have been with the cooking oils though.

    You might need to go to a health food store to get this...not all grocery stores will carry it.

  5. A healthfood or natural food store such as Lassens.

    They even have a

    web site if you do not have one close to you.

    or probably any health food store will carry it.

    Good luck and hope this helps!

  6. try a natural food store or online here's a site that sells it

  7. Did you try asking the store clerks?

  8. Check here:

    You can find it.

    Good luck!

  9. The Nugget Market!

    Or other natural food stores and co-ops

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