
Where can i celebrate my birthday with friends dancing tango?

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I have recently arrived in Perth, Western Australia and feel a little lonely. I like to find a community who dances Argentinean TANGO and continue learning and enjoying my favorite dance music; which is tango, the most romantic dance in the whole world. Can any one help?




  1. Come to the Milonga "La Cruzada" ( even if you don't dance TANGO you will enjoy watching the elegant tango dancers show their artistry in the  dance foor) In FLOREAT FORUM- Perth,Western Australia. ( A lovely venue, it is a night of glamour) Milonga "La Cruzada" Saturday 9th August- All are welcome.

    Laura 0415 046 918

    Any one can come to celebrate any occasion in this great venue. The dancers are very friendly and attentive.  They will will sing happy birthday and the men form a circle to dance with you. The love of Tango unite us and you will not be alone.

    You can also dance and learn or become a member of the - All are welcome.-Celebration Milonga this Saturday August 9th- with live MUSIC & bRBq-there is also another birthday celebration, included is a tango class before the dance. WOW!- GREAT VALUE - check the Calendar for updated events.

    OTHER DAYS- you can learn tango for $5 a lesson of 2 hours!

    The tutors are very helpful and friendly and you can celebrate your birthday in this beautiful club dancing or watching the dancers perform their greatest passion the TANGO.

    (BOTH venues are BYO - food and drinks ) so no excuse to be lonely - bring all your friends, all your byo and celebrate to the sound of tango music and dance!

    tango courses at Tango Salon: - All are welcome.

    Tango learning for FREE at - -All are welcome. -All are welcome.

    class and dance:

    Tango Project []

    Saturday 9th August 2008 7:00pm - 10:00pm $10.00 @ The Strand - Scouts Hall, Applecross. Refreshments are provided. All are welcome.

    take a look at "face book"

    Tango Space - contact Anton 04 16 76 75 25

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