
Where can i check what my surname means?

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Where can i check what my surname means?




  1. what is your surname?

  2. yea

  3. Try

  4. google it and see whats happening

  5. The website you were given is rubbish. I posted 8 names and got negative answers.

    Google  " Surnames origin of."

    See what you get.

  6. I have to agree with Gerry, that the site suggested is another, run of the mill, try to make a fast buck sites.

    It "claims" to have collected many names.. but the ones I see, offer NO source for their conclusions..and solicits persons to "add" to their files. IE.. get persons to do their work, then sell the results on "family histories".

    If your name is a common American name, there are scholarly places such as the Dictionary of American names, which is a published source. NO keychains or such for sale. If your name is not American derived (German, so forth), you'll need to access a site for that.. again, not one that is selling something.

    MANY names are not the original, but a variation of something else. You won't know this, unless you actually search your ANCESTORS, to find what the original was, in valid records. And.. not all names have a 'proven' or known origin, or meaning. I have seen where some sites claim a name to be from one country.. when actual proven records show the persons to be from somewhere else entirely.

    If you post the name here.. someone can run a check from what sources we have.  If you see anything related to, or the surname database above, I'd be completely skeptical of it being authentic.

  7. You could try using a Book, I use the Oxford Book of Names, you should be able to get it through your local Library.

  8. Here is a website that can give you the meaning and orgin of your surname..

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