
Where can i create a website for free and make my own website and make money off of?

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Where can i create a website for free and make my own website and make money off of?




  1. to create a website, you can use microsoft office publisher (if you have it) or a free HTML editor (there are many available on sites such as and

    Check out this tutorial for using more professional programs such as flash and dreamweaver.

    As for free hosting, you wont find much. for a small site, you can just host directly off your own computer (you'll have to leave it turned on for people to access it).

    Otherwise, there are many low monthly cost hosting servers.

    To make money, simply install ads from Google adsense.



  2. Search SynthaSite on google, they let you create a free website. Then search Google AdSense. You can put their ads on your site. The more hits you get, the more money you make.

  3. Try Weebly or Blinkweb, their easy to manage free website (or blog) has cool features that include drag and drop capability, switch designs on the fly, youtube and google video, custom html, upload images, flikr photo gallery, visitor stats and more.  You can also buy a new domain instantly, or host your existing domain for free.

    I hope that I was of some help and answered your question.

  4. Do you know that companies are paying top-dollar to have users like you try their products and services for free? At CashCrate, we pass that money on to you. Simply complete free offers and get paid without spending a dime! Want to register? Go here!!

    http://cashcrate. com/705194 (The reason for the numbers on the end is so I can get points for reffering you; and take out the space)

    If you dont believe me, look up other yahoo answer questions to see others' experience. Its totally worth it. Users as young as 13 can use it. I recieved a check in the mail for about $100.


    that's where i made mine!

  6. hi there

    firstly there is nothing called free lunch

    every thing has got a price

    if you are looking at having an independent site

    you will have to take following steps

    1-buy a domain name(essentially name of your site), come for around 9$

    2-opened account in a web hosting company, price range from 500 rs to any limit upwards depending on features.

    3-designing of site, do it yourself or got hire a web designing company for you

    4- have a solid content to attract traffic to your site

    alternatively if you really wanna do it free of cost,

    then just start blogging and earn money from being affiliate or from ads

    you can open account with yahoo geocities, blogger, wordpress, squidoo, freewebs, etc and many more

    so happy blogging and all the best

    hope i satisfied you

    take a look at some of my blogs to get an idea

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