
Where can i do community service???

by Guest61604  |  earlier

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I am in highschool and got a list of places to do community service. Every place i called said they have so many people asking for community service. Some of the peopel i called said they would call back but i never hear from them again. I called places multiple times. I even applied to a few on community search engines but got nothing. Where can i apply? I tries the animal shelter, fire house, red cross, soup kitchen, donation centers, and if i do community service at a hospital what kind of work will i do? i know i am asking alot. Thank in advance.




  1. I volunteer with a cat rescue and we people that need to complete comunity service work all the time. Most of the folks that work there find it a very rewarding experience. Call some of your local animal shelters and offer to help.

  2. Try tutoring at a elementary school, or if you want, during the summer, go to a church and volunteer there for a kids' summer camp, you'd sure to get more than 40 hours!

  3. Call up the local Boys & Girls Club or Big Brothers/Big Sisters, try contacting local churches, or the city chamber or commerce where you live. You can also do your own sort of community service and clean up litter on the side of the road or paint over graffiti. I heard about a kid on my local news that was collecting bottled water by the case loads to donate to shelters and hand out to the homeless when he saw them on the streets during the hot summer days. There is a lot you can do, you don't have to get credit for it either unless you are being told you need to do community service as a probation requirement. Just get out there and do something. You sound like a good kid and I applaud your efforts.

  4. Contact United Way - they have a list of opportunities in your community that you can sign up for.  Go to the local shelter or food bank, contact your local churches, the Salvation Army and even Goodwill.

  5. If in the USA look in Craigslist, there is a category for it all.

  6. I need some help in the workshop I manage at Easter Seals. You will be working with people with disabilities so I need someone who is kind, caring, and loves to help others.  Email me back to let me know if you are interested.


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