
Where can i donate my blood? I am an aristocrat so my blood is blue, Is there a special place for me?

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Where can i donate my blood? I am an aristocrat so my blood is blue, Is there a special place for me?




  1. No there's no place or call for blue blood nowadays xx

    I should know I've tried many times like you, even googled it nothing!!! guess there's only a few of us left, thought there was only me but  Raider and now you!! isn't that always the way you never see another bluey then three in one day same with buses x

  2. I am quite certain they will find a special place for you and yours ...

    Be Loved.

  3. no special place . . . .  its just a title you know. .. . ... itsno different coz u'll still donate it to a hospital. even if ur an aristocrat there's just only 3 types of blood. the only reason u guys call urselves blue blood is label ur selves superior thats all. . . . . . nobility and stuff.

    if u want to donate than go donateur blood... . ... to those who really need them.

  4. Quite probably there is a special place for you, but nothing to do with donating blood!!  Tube!!!

  5. no- there's not much call for it..

  6. You would have to line up like the rest of the great unwashed there Skippy!

  7. Yup, the royal blood bank will take your donations just google it should have all the relavant details and a bank near you.

    I myself give freely we are rare folk so I admire you greatly! x

  8. go to one of those vampire conventions! they love the blue flavour! mmm tastes like strawberry's! lol

  9. Of course, you are special.  Go to your local blood bank and tell them about yourself.  I'm sure they will make "special" arrangements just for you.

    best of luck to you!

  10. Yes a guillotine.

  11. Try K-mart. They usually have blue light specials.

  12. How amusing.  

    My ribs ache....

  13. why don't you talk to your Dr about how special you are--she/he could find a nice special room for you with a nice special jacket

  14. Everyone has blue blood.  All blood is blue before it is oxygenized, but if it makes you feel special thinking you're the only one, you go right ahead.

  15. As the song goes Probably.

  16. Ha Ha Blue Blo- oh you were being serious! Oh well go to your local Red Cross.I know that if you have "blue blod" then you are of royal blood but your just the same as eveyone else!Sorry but it is the truth okay other than that have a great day!!!

  17. no

  18. yes you know how the red cross has that emblem of the red cross on a white background to indicate where their centres are, all you have to do is walk down the street and look for a blue one, got that? blue cross on white background toddle in there and donate your blue blood, they also give tea and cake

  19. Yes, I am a blue blood,too.

    I donated some of mine when the local laundry ran out of Reckett`s blue bags.  They were very grateful and sent me a token to spend at a high-class hair-dressers where I could avail myself of a blue rinse.  My hair is now a greeny shade of turquoise but I`m not bothered as my tiara hides most of it.

  20. You might try a lobster farm - they have blue blood.

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