
Where can i download Gary Glitter songs please, hes my hero.?

by  |  earlier

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Where can i download Gary Glitter songs please, hes my hero.?




  1. ugh you creep, you think its funny but its not. you and all the other people who are like 'i love him he's my hero' he's a sicko perv okay? :/

  2. This is got to be a wind up just to see the reaction!

  3. thats nt very nice now is it!


  4. ask him to babysit your kids then

  5. Your hero's a child molester? Wow! Hmmm....and you want to be just like him?

  6. You have to be joking, neither his music when he had a career, or what he does in his personal life apparently is absolutely nothing to admire. Presumably you have posed this question just to see the reaction.

  7. id say u can download them off limewire

  8. Never heard his music. Does he sing "Dont let the sun go down on me?"

  9. too be honest this is the sickist think i have seen all night on here you should be ashamed no one likes a perv specially if theyre a fallen popstar everyone just igores them and hates them

  10. um... he a rapes kids

  11. you think you're funny or offending people but what you're actually doing is making yourself look like a complete uneducated idiot

  12. if you like his songs that's cool, but please don't try to be like him!! it really is disgusting wat he did!! im sure ur just joking but still... :(

  13. You're sick.

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