
Where can i find AFFORDABLE airline tickets online??

by  |  earlier

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i am planning on goin to jamaica for the summer to visit my family i would like to know if there is any site out there that has the tickets under $500

i'm in CT

HELP PLZZ i havent seen my family over 10 yrs

i've tried cheaptickets,expedia,travlocity,pricelin... but they are all over $100




  1. the prices of air fare had gone up due to prices of oil per barrel is almost $140 dollars.  those sites you've checked are the cheapest you can get.  all airlines are losing because of soaring gas prices.  only southwest is surviving.

  2. Sorry, but if those sites all say the ticket is over $500, you're probably out of luck.  There's no magic website that sells tickets at half the cost of the other sites or anything.  Air travel is just expensive these days.

    Here are the things you can do:

    1) Check prices at other airports.  Instead of flying out of Hartford, look at Providence, Boston, JFK, etc.  Or instead of Kingston fly into Montego Bay, or vice-versa.  Of course, it's not worth driving 50 miles to save $50, but if you are lucky you may find a discount that is worthwhile.  Especially if more than one person is flying.

    2) Change your dates.  Tickets are cheaper if you book way in advance.  It's also cheaper to fly Tues, Weds, Thurs than on the weekend.

    3) Cross your fingers and wait for a sale.  But chances are very slim that there will be a sale on tickets from where you are, to where you want to go, on the days you want to go.

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