
Where can i find JAVASCRIPT and other web design info and code???

by  |  earlier

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I know of which is a great resource for web design stuff but i'm needing a bit more. More code and stuff. drop down menu scripting and so on. i'm still fairly novice at web design but self taught and i've learned a bit but just need more to improve my code and understanding. scripts gallore would be sweet.




  1. is probably a website that you would be looking for. Lots of examples and viewable/ downloadable code that you can look at for ideas, or with proper credits use.

  2. I maintain a list of client-side web programming resources that I put together for people just like you at:

    The right-hand nav-bar points to online learning sites (free stuff only). There's a JavaScript section with both novice, e.g., w3schools, and others. I'm bettin' you'll find other links on the page to be handy as well.

    The links are not as much oriented to providing tons of pre-made scripts (although they offer some) as to helping you learn to do it yourself (teaching you to fish for yourself, instead of giving you a fish).

    Learn, grow, enjoy.

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