
Where can i find Papaver Somniferum?

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the papaver is a very nice plant and id like to have one

where can i buy seeds?

i live in canada

and plz tell me a specific store dont b like go to your local drug store or sum cuz im sure they wont have any




  1. You sound way too immature to be interested in growing such a specific plant for non-drug related reasons.

    I got some poppy seeds at Canadian Tire, try there--but remember, when you plant the seeds, don't dig too deep, and spread the seeds out, don't put all of them in one spot.

  2. If you are growing them for drug purposes, forget it. The Law frowns on that.

    If you are simply enjoying the flowers, try any poppy. Look them up in a seed catalog. That's all I will say.

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