
Where can i find REGULAR/NON BLACK kuhli loaches?

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I live in California and cant find them anywhere. I don't want to order online because the shipping and handling is soooooo expensive. Can anyone help me out, or give me a number to a place that i could get them from, or at least tell me why they became so rare all of a sudden? Thanks.




  1. In petsmart!! Non-black meaning striped, right? Most kuhli loaches are striped, that is their normal color. Here is a pic:

  2. I live in San Diego and used to see them all the time when I was a kid but haven't seen them lately either.  It may have to do with the fact that most stores keep their tropical fish on a central filter system and the drainage tubes are so large that all the kuhlii loaches get sucked into the filter instead of getting sold so the stores won't buy them any more from their suppliers and the suppliers don't import them as much.  You could ask a privately owned fish store if they can get some for you.  These stores often have customers ask for oddball or hard to get fish.  It may take them a little while to get them but they are really cool, active and peaceful fish so you aren't the only one who wants them.  What part of California are you in?  California is a big state.

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