
Where can i find Turkish raki in Indianapolis?

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Where can i find Turkish raki in Indianapolis?




  1. I don't know about where you live but some upmarket liquor stores will order it for you if you ask in advance.  Try a good place that has lots of imports and see if they can order it for you...Worth a try....

  2. You can buy it online from, I've heard that many Turks living in U.S.A make their shoppings from this online store.

  3. i live in NJ .here i have to go to a balkan place they sell everything the sell back home .well i have no clue for where u live .but interesting question  

  4. I live in New Orleans and if I go to a big supermarket with a big liquor/wine section they have 3 types! I didn't know they made three types! So just try the biggest liquor store you can find, it might be easier than you think.

  5. Every country has its own version of this drink and its much the same where-ever you go.  The brits call it "Pernod" The greeks "oozo" The turks Raki".  Just ask for a drink with anaseed and you will have your raki.

    Hope I was of help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. ask the indians if there are still any left.

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