
Where can i find Van Goghs portriats in Paris?? thanks?

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Where can i find Van Goghs portriats in Paris?? thanks?




  1. At the Musée d'Orsay there is a beautiful Van Gogh section, grouped right next to some Money masterpieces.

    Take the line 'RER C' underground and get off at the stop 'Orsay'. Entry fee is like 8 euros per person and you can spend literally hours in there. The toilets are situated near the door by the way (they're quite hard to find without that little hint lol).

    Happy travels.

  2. Go to

    I think you will find what your looking for here.

  3. At the lourve or d'orsay i think

  4. Most are at the Louvre

  5. There are two of his self portraits at the Musee D'orsay in paris, they have about 25 of his paintings in total.

    The best place to see his works is in Amsterdam at the Vincent Van Gogh Gallery.

  6. The best place would at the Van Goghs Museum in Amsterdam not in Paris.

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