
Where can i find a GOOD casting agency in and around toronto?

by  |  earlier

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im looking for a casting and talent agency in or near toronto that can actually get me jobs and help me make a career of acting. so i would really appreciate it if you knew the names of some good agencies. thanks.




  1. I used to be apart of Karisma Talent Group, and while they had success stories, I was not one of them. They got me about 5 auditions within 1-2 years and most of them I didn't even have a shot for because of height requirements or because I looked "too old" (I matured very quickly) -- which the agency messed up on each occaision. I also tried Susan J Talent and she completely tried to scam me.

    Best bet: find your own auditions through Craig's List or newspaper ads (I heard Eye Weekly is good for that kind of thing), or find an agency that does not charge you anything.

    Remember, it's their job to send your resume out to potential employers and they receive 10% of what you make -- do not pay for anything else.

    Good luck.

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