
Where can i find a Treadmill for Racing Horses that will exceed 40 MPH or 1:40 min/mile?

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I have been looking at some horse treadmills for sale on the internet, and to my disappointment have discovered that even the so-called "high speed" treadmills only go 16 MPH as their fastest speed setting. that is insufficient for my purposes. I need a horse treadmill that will achieve full gallop racing speeds, that is about 40 MPH or 1:40 min/mile. Where can i find one of those horse treadmills?




  1. They do not make them because you will ,or can kill the horse

    Think about it , what if he fell,?

    I have known people that have used them with out any knowledge about them

    and some horses will blow out their Hocks

    Now they do have under water treadmills , for horses recovering from injuring them selves

    They should never replace a good sound training program

  2. Here's a website selling equine treadmills that can go up to 60 mph (although, I dont think you'd want to go that high).

    Hope this helps!

  3. This may not be the answer you're looking for, but forget about the 40 mph treadmill.  If there is such a thing it would be extremely dangerous.

    Take your horse to a facility with an equine pool.  This isn't a 50 meter pool like you see in the Olympics, it's a round pool with a gradually inclined entrance/exit lane.  The trainer leads  the horse into the pool while walking on the deck.  The first time a horse goes into one of these things he/she might be a bit nervous or excited, but after a few trips will get used to it.  Some rather enjoy it.  

    These pools were originally designed to allow injured horses to exercise without putting weight on their hooves.  Many modern equine facilities use them as a regular part of training.          

  4. There's a reason you can't find one, and that would be because a treadmill that goes that fast is a disaster waiting to happen.

  5. are you crazy, if you put youre horse on a treadmill doing 40mph he will break down. it would be like going flat out on a motorway, terrible for his legs. horses only reach those speeds in a race, or maybe once a week while training on a suitable surface. please dont be cruel to your horses. get a different job.

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