
Where can i find a VHS Camcorder, not a VHS-C, but full sized VHS camcorder?

by  |  earlier

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I have been looking but to no avail...I found some in the 700 dollar range but I would think after years and years of being old news they would go down to the low hundreds...i dont know maybe i am searching for the wrong name...please help out




  1. There's quite a few available on ebay.  Below is a link to just one for you to look at.

  2. Since all the cam corders are going to hard disks and solid state memory cards for making the cameras smaller and more convenient, you are going to have a hard time finding something big and bulky.

    They were never very popular and people who want big tape capacity back then also wanted higher resolution and bought broadcast quality cameras in the $5,000+ range.  Betamax I think the big cart is called.

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