
Where can i find a beginner electric guitar thats cheap?

by  |  earlier

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and also free amp cuz i did see some guitars with a free amp with it on but i cant find any that i like on their. any1 got anyother good sites?




  1. Go to Sam Ash they got good prices. And once in a while the have packages which sell you an electric guitar and amp. But no that cheap. Anyway why does it have to be cheap?

  2. Dude, you're wanting the near impossible. A free amp and no S&H? Get serious.

    Try your local pawn shop if you're wanting a beginners guitar.

  3. There are lots of good quality starter packs for beginner guitarists. If you look on Costco than you will see lots of starter packs for cheap but good good quality. Now I know Costco is not a real music store but it has good starter packs, the same ones you would find at a real music store but for a much cheaper price. Plus you can always take it back no matter what. Here is the link:

    I own the Silvertone Rockit that comes with an amp and everything else you need to get started. It's an excellent guitar and many people have said that its quality is eqaul to a real Gibson SG and its only for 169.99(everything included). The gig bag that comes with it is not that great, actually its not good at all, a bunch of tissues taped to it would probably be better but that besides the point. The amp that comes with it is good too. It's not complicated like other ones.The package is good so I say go for that one. The other starter packs are good also. My friend owns one of the Silvertone Revoler electric guitar and thinks its great. Like I said before if you don't like it Costco takes back anything at anytime in any condition.

    Well I hope this helps! They are good starter packs and after a couple of years of experience you can work your way up to better quality guitars but these are good to start out with. Good Luck!! :-)

    P.S. - The only way your going to get a guitar with free shipping is if you go to the store and pick it up yourself. In most cases the store doesnt have it in stock at the store so you will have to order it online. When you order things online there is almost a 99.99% chance that you will be paying for shipping and handeling. The only way you can avoid pay shipping is maybe around the holiday season (november-december). But besides that you're paying it.

  4. Check out Craigs list for your town.  Good Luck

  5. Best bet


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