
Where can i find a bicycle that city messengers ride?

by  |  earlier

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pretty much just a frame and chain




  1. You're looking for a fixed gear bike then. They can be found anywhere. The question is how much you are willing to spend and whether you want new or used. Craigslist is a good place to look as well as yuor LBS (local bike shop). many are converting old and new road bikes over as well. Every major manufacturer sells fixed gear frames. Your quest will be simple; Just look at who's selling road bikes and they'll also have fixed gear setups as well.

  2. Does it matter what kind of bike you get? They only care that you deliver the message jeez...

  3. If you are asking this question, i assume you are a novice. If you are a novice I assume  you would prefer a single gear bike as opposed to the fixed gear bike mentioned by some here.

    Single gear is a bike with it's chains and sproket configured like a bmx.

    Fixed gear can hurt you. Not to mention you can't cruise without constantly pedalling. And a pair of brakes don't weight that much to begin with.

  4. The bike you are referring to is called a Fixie (a fixed gear bicycle).  This means when you pedal forward you go forward and when you pedal backwards you go backwards.  As far as getting a messenger bike, most of those bikes are homemade with what ever parts they can find.  Now if you want a messenger like bike, they are easy to find as they are quite popular with the hipsters.  I suggest checking out Surley it's a nice ride and it even includes a brake, just in case you can't stop with just the pedals.

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