
Where can i find a cheap home inspector?

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I am looking to purchase a house and i want to know where i can find a cheap home inspector to inspect several homes prior to making an offer.




  1. When it comes to choosing a home inspector you don't want "cheap"--you want "good."  A good home inspector can save you more money than the extra he/she might cost compared to someone who just breezes through the place. If you're considering a house purchase, it's in your best interest to learn as much as possible about the house, and I don't think you'll get that from "cheap." Look for someone with lots of experience working in your area.

    Want to know what sort of things house inspectors encounter? Try this photo gallery in our "Home Inspection Nightmares" series.....!

  2. Cheap or proper job, which do you want?

  3. I am not sure about your area, but here in NH how it works is you make an offer, contingent upon a home inspection.  Why would you pay $300-400 for this service more than once?  

    Wait until you find the right home, then make the offer contingent on the home inspection.  This also give you a wayout if there should be anything major that is in need of repair.  Good luck!!

  4. is an awesome site.they find any kind of people you need to do anything you need done and send you lots of names and choices. call the contacts they send you and hire the cheapest.ask what services their fee includes and make your is an awesome site that i have hired people from and was never order to be a contact and have service magic refer you to customers you have to be licensed bonded and insured also so you are certain not to be taken for a ride.also, i assume you are going to have a mortgage so when you find a home you like, i am sure the bank will require things like termite inspection and an overall inspection of the home. i would say wait till you find a house you like before hiring someone and also go to service magic now and find the names of people in your area so when the time comes, you have all the never hurts to plan ahead.when you buy a home also have a lawyer with you. less chance of being charged too much or ripped off other ways.its worth it in the long run.

  5. If you want cheap, do it yourself. If you want a proper inspection done (and you are talking a major purchase) find one who has references and possibly belongs to an association of inspectors. read what their contract covers before hiring. Some will only guarantee their work "up to the price paid for inspection" which is about $300. Do not use a Realtors choice for inspectors. You don't get inspections for multiple homes. You only get the home you are making a bid on inspected and get the clause " dependent on Home Inspection" included in the sale contract.

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