
Where can i find a civil activist group to join?

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I searching for a civil rights organization to be apart of. any suggestions of where or how to start




  1. ACLU: American Civil Liberties Union. Just type it in.

  2. This one seems like a very good organization...after doing a little research they seem to have the right ideas...CORE (Congress of Racial Equality)

  3. Look at the history of the Civil Rights Movement to find the names of organizations that have done good work, of the kind you identify with wanting to be a part of, then use a search engine to locate their national HQ, and if they have any chapters near you.

    Check the news media for information about Civil Rights actions going on right now, or in the near future.  For example, TODAY there is a march on Washington DC to demand that the US Justice Dept prosecute a laundry list of hate crimes.  You travel to one of those in person, tell the people there that you are not in any Civil Rights organization right now, want to volunteer to help ... you will get lots of people telling you about the various groups you could join, and what kind of work they doing right now.

    Go to your spiritual advisor, or local leader of your religion or faith & share your thoughts & seek gidance.  There may well be groups working in your home community that can use your help.

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