
Where can i find a flea market in italy the biggest and best one preferably?

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i will be in milan rome sorrento florence.




  1. For Rome's flea markets see this page (it's long so I used babelfish for translation):

  2. Florence. Haggle, haggle haggle!  It's half the fun.

  3. I know just "Porta Portese" flea market in Rome.

  4. Florence is rich in open-air markets. Various markets of the antique dealing are carried out monthly.

    Florence has its antique market on the last Sunday of every month in Piazza dei Ciompi. It can be found of all: furniture, sculptures, marbles, but also clocks, jewels, plates and glasses.

    Florence’s central market is the "Mercato Centrale". It is housed in two floors building, built in 1874 by Giuseppe Mengoni. It is Florence’s busiest food market, selling meat, fish, cheese and typical Tuscany food on the ground floor, and vegetables, fruit and flowers on the top floor.

    "Mercato Nuovo" or New Market sells leather goods and souvenirs. It was originally built in 1547 as a central market for silk and other luxury goods. For the flower lovers can be interesting small "Mercato delle Piante", selling herbs and ornamental plants.

    Check for more:

  5. Well I can tell you from personal experience that the most famous and popular outdoor market destination in Rome is Porta Portese. It's only open on Sundays, but the range of items you can find are endless. I've purchased Persian rugs, to an Italian Championship Bocce Ball Bag and balls! If you're just looking for souvenirs, you'll find that this particular market offers trinkets from all parts of Italy from food to statutes, t-shirts, dresses, footwear and jewelry!

    I have two final tips:

    1- As with any outdoor market, you don't always have to go with the listed price.

    2- Keep your cash and valuables close. Pickpockets are abundant all over the world, especially in these outdoor shopping environments.

    3- If you go to Porta Portese, take the time to look for a ristorante called Da Albino il Sardo all'Angoletto. Located on Via della Luce, by the corner next to Viale Trastevere. Great pasta, great ambiance, and decently priced.

    4- Take pictures and notes of your shopping excursions, there are quite a few destinations online that will buy them from you - making your trip that much more economically advantageous!

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