
Where can i find a free repair manual for a johnson 40hp outboard motor?

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Where can i find a free repair manual for a johnson 40hp outboard motor?




  1. The library might be a source to explore, but highly unlikely they will have the year range your outboard will need.

    Free don't exist hardly in the marine industry, so don't count on finding any boat service manuals online.

    First you need to know the year your Johnson outboard was manufactured.  That can be determined by the model number and serial number on the transom plate.  Sometimes the outboard's year listed on boat registration or title is not the same as what the serial number says.

    Ask any OMC dealer or service shop what the year is by giving them the type (Johnson/Evinrude), the horsepower, the model number, and serial number.

    Second, you need to buy a service manual that covers the horsepower and year that your outboard was manufactured.

  2. Free is unlikely, but you can probably check one out from a local library.

  3. It's copyrighted material, so unless somebody buys you one for your birthday, expect to pay something for it.

    some websites where you can acquire a factory service manual:

    1996 and later:

    prior to 1996:

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