
Where can i find a good Karate School?

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By good i mean real one that can actually be used rather than just sport like most karate and taekwondo today




  1. If you are looking for a directory, you can try this one:

    If you are interested in picking the right school for you, read this article.  It covers everything you need to know when picking a martial arts school.

    Hope this helps!

  2. This is how I found my MMA school, I typed in the MA,and the city.

    Im sorry if you cnat find any Local,Ill be 100% Honest with you,ALOT of Karate schools Teacher Iether (KARATE) Which is Just Fake American Karate (I live in America so stfu)  I say Find a Muay Thai,Or Judo school. Or MMA.

  3. Please diregard iskate.. as he obviously has no clue. First understand their are many forms of karate. The Japanese and hybred style as a general rulw tend to be more sport oriented today. The okinawin styles are more likely to have what you are looking for.

    Some Okinawan styles:





    As for finding a good one locate the schools in your area. research the styles they teach, and what they are noted for(IE sport, self defense). There is a good list at that tells you how to find a good school and what to avoid. Find a good school, start training, and have fun.

  4. well where are you located?

    get a phone book. get on the internet and look around. is it really so difficult?

    go here

    and type in your city..and search for karate,tkd,..whatever

    as for how good they are. you can get some links, and put them on here. or you can just go there and see how well you like it

  5. i think its hard to find a sporting karate school... i do other karate but i want to learn more sport karate stuff aswell as more traditional for tournaments.

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