
Where can i find a good Mp3 Player?

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It's my frist one.

what kind of mp3 do you or anybody you know have that works very well.





  2. Yes Ipod's are good but they are overpriced. Here are some pro's and cons(i'm referring to nano)


    Work Well

    Nice Interface

    Good Screen

    Look Great and compact

    Comes with Games

    Decent Battery

    Itunes easy to use( so is Windows media player though for mp3 players)


    Cost to much(you are paying for the logo not necessarily quality)

    Don't have best sound quality Sandisk, Creative and Sony all make better sounding products

    Tend to break easily

    Song's you buy off Itunes only compatible with ipods(unless you rip a cd or find a program that will transfer AAC to mp3)

    Laking features lie radio, voice recording and memory card expansion

    Here are some others to consider

    Sansa Fuze



    Durable and compact

    Better audio quality

    Get features like radio(which you can record), voice recording and micro SDHC slot

    Micro SDHC slot fully integrates with you're library

    battery just as good as nano's

    Can use Drag and Drop in a file or Music managers to download music


    So-So Screen

    Looks decent but not as good as ipod

    Not the best video playback

    Creative Zen


    Similiar in price to fuze

    Bigger and better screen screen

    Sd slot(although dosent integrate like in the fuze)

    Better audio quality tan ipod similar to fuze

    Great video playback

    Has radio and voice recording


    Bigger because of screen

    Dosent intergrate SD card into library

    Dosent look as stylish as ipod or fuze

    Sony Walkman(A720 series not A800 series those include bluetooth and are more expensive


    Best sound quality

    Nice Screen

    Looks sharp

    Comes with great headphones(a lot better than what other comes with)

    Best battery life


    A little bit more expensive than fuze and zen but still cheaper than nano(you get the nice headphones though)

    Lacks radio, recording and sd slot

    Don't just get an ipod because everyone has one you should get the one that's best for you (which may be Ipod's but may be another player). You have to figure out what you want in your'e mp3 player

    Hope I helped


  3. Just get a iPod, expensive but great.

  4. zunes or ipods are pretty good.

  5. iPods are the best thing to get, and you can get them virtually anywhere.  They are really great, I recently got a iPod Touch, and I can never stop using it. There are really fun games on them and you can get them in different sizes of gigabytes so you don't need to spend too much money.

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