
Where can i find a good kicker for my cb radio

by Guest60997  |  earlier

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i just bought a cobra 25 ltd an it dont have quite the range i want. my brother said i need to buy a kicker but i dont know were to get one. any help would be appreciated




  1. Criminal!  Amplifiers are not permitted on CB!!!

  2. Amplifiers are illegal.

  3. Amplifiers on CB are illegal!

    Read this:

  4. Well, start by looking in the yellow pages for and audio/video store that says they work on, or sell C.B.'s.  If you can't get anywhere doing that, try going by a truck stop and looking at their bulletin board.   I'm a truck driver myself, and I have all my C.B. needs taken care of in Ohio.  Good luck!

  5. The antenna is the most important part of any radio system. Even the best radios can’t make up for a poor antenna. A cheap radio and a good antenna will get your signal out and talk better than an expensive radio with a poor antenna. With that said, get the best antenna you can for your application.

    What is you SWR reading? What kind of antenna? Where is the antenna mounted? How long is your coax cable?

    It sounds like your brother is talking about a linear amplifier. Which by the way are illegal to use on CB radios. But if you want one they sell them at and other sites. See the following links:

    Also you can go to the following forums and there is a lot of useful info and knowledgable people:

  6. a "kicker" also known as an amplifier is illegal in the USA, Canada, and other civilized countries on Earth.

    next, they are useless on CB. the reason is that they amplify your transmitted signal but does nothing for your receive. Currently, in this low sun spot cycle, signals just do not carry far and you cannot change that. The atmospheric noise, plus the fact that CB uses AM, is not over come by amplifying your transmitted signal.

    your brother is wrong.

  7. come on move up to the real world HAM , leave the chicken band behind

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