
Where can i find a good place to camp in Tijuana b.c?

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Where can i find a good place to camp in Tijuana b.c?




  1. Are you nuts ??

  2. Camping in Tijuana is like caming in Los Angeles.

    If you want a nicer experience go further south.

    People would have you believe that you will get killed just by stepping foot in Mexico.

    The fact is that NO part of this world is safe. You can get killed by gang members or thugs in Los Angeles, Oklahoma, or Miami.

    Have fun.

    The way i see it, getting robbed or killed in Mexico is no worse than getting robbed or killed in the USA.

  3. Camping in Tijuana is unadvisable. Go farther south to Alisitos/La Mision great surfing beach and camping facilities, store, cantinas. No Baja bashing, please.

  4. The upper baja is being worked by three or more thugs the pull you over by activating fake police lights (red) then cleaning you out leaving you the roadside with nothing and to my knowledge they have not been apprehended.

    People are always asking, and I really getting sick of this question"Is it Safe in Mexico"

    Natalie , in Aruba made a very stupid decision to go to a beach from a club with 2 strangers.

    Tourism is off by 60% in that area.

    The upper baja---No Way!!!!

    It would cost a lot of money for the government to set up a long term sting to catch these punks $500,000.00 perhaps

    Something they are not prepared to do.

    They are loosing out on Millions of tourist dollars.

    Make the reward large enough and well,-----

  5. passport..

    there are really strict now.

    u might not return

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