
Where can i find a good used car dealership in the delaware area?

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Where can i find a good used car dealership in the delaware area?




  1. Used car dealers are almost *never* the best place to buy a used car.

    If you are looking for a fairly new car (2 to 4 years old, say), then you are much better off going to a new car dealer and asking to see their used cars.  Cars that age are mostly taken in trade from people buying something new, so they are likely in better condition.  Many of them will still be under warranty, which means that any problems will have been fixed.  (People will fix everything if they don't have to pay, right?)

    And if you are looking for an older car, you are better off looking in the ads for an individual seller (not a dealer).  You will pay less--usually, a LOT less. Of course, it may not be perfectly clean, but really, you can do that yourself, right?  Do you realy want to pay hundreds of dollars more for the car, just because someone else took it through the car wash?

    About the only time that it makes sense to buy from a used car dealer is when you have lousy credit but you MUST have a car right away.  Used car dealers will do almost anything to move that crappy iron off their lots at a profit, and if that means getting you a finance arrangement, then they can do things no one else can.  But otherwise, get your financing from a bank or a credit union at work.  (Credit unions are great!).  

    Good luck!!

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