
Where can i find a homeschool or online classes to finsh high school?

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I'm a working mother and i dont have alot of time. I want to finsh high school but dont have time to go to school because of my baby and work. I have been look at homeschool but am scared they are all spams. I dont have alot of money to just put on something thats not real. Im 18 and will not give up on my dreams. I want to be able to give my baby everything.





  2. Depending on where you live there are many options. There are free online charter schools and private ones as well.

    Many online charter schools are popping up all over. Many of them are now using k12 products. k12 schoolsare good for many reasons. Each student is given a placement test and then given individualized curriculum based on his or her individual needs. With the help of online charter schools today, homeschooling can be much easier than it used to be. They provide you with everything you need, a computer, a printer, books, supplies, and teachers that you can both email and call for help and assistance. This is free and there are no charges. Online schools are definitely becoming a way of the future for the children in generations to come.

    Going to an online school is no different than going to a traditional public school or a private school. They graduate with a real diploma the same as any school. My son graduated from an online charter school and now attends a private university (University Of Dayton) with scholarships. They will also help you with making sure that all state required tests are done yearly and proficiencies are completed for graduation.

  3. OK lets slow this down a bit,   There is a big difference in home school and on line classes, or there can be,  homeschool is schooling done by a parent,   and then  on line classes are done by a school, even if it is considered an umbrella school.   Now this is for you ?    

    You can check with your local school board and see if you qualify for the on line school,  

    Dont give up your dream, but is a GED  an option for you ?   I had one and went on to college and Grad School, after the service.  

    Have you considered the service, as an option,  It would provide for the child and for you  in lots of ways. (( i am not getting into the moral end of it, or views of the military, just that it is a good stable option for some))

    There is such a difference from school district to school district that there is no * general* answer to that question,   Can you not finish up in regular school,  support for the baby. someone to watch him/her as you go to class?  

    Hope i gave you some things to think about.   GOOD LUCK

  4. It depends on where you live, if you live in Florida go to   ...its free online courses!

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