
Where can i find a job at the age 12?

by  |  earlier

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im 12 and i really need some cash! i have a few ideas but theses few jobs just aint gonna cut it till next summer. i have already got pet care and yard work and babysitting and car washes. but my friend and i need more ideas.

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Unfortunately, alot of places [at least where I'm from] won't hire people under 16.  To get a typical job at a young age, you'd need a work permit.  

    If I were you, I would try to expand on the babysitting idea. Also, you could bake cookies and sell them around your neighborhood.  I used to do that every summer when I was younger and made awesome money from it, haha.

  2. keep up the good work. just try maybe doing a lemonade

    stand. one of my friends worked in the park and would

    just sell snacks. she got paid like 10 - 12 dollars an

    hour . but lets c if they would let u in.

  3. You're too young to be employed legally, anywhere.

    You can only be self-employed & provide services.

    The ones you mention are the most common ones.

  4. You could try a yard sale.

  5. have a bake sale or go to sams buy a lot of snack and hacve a neighborhood store in your garage

  6. Try this site:

    MyLot is a growing community that consists of different people from all over the world. It's a fun site where you can earn money online and enjoy participating on discussions posted on the site at the same time.

    This is not a scam!

  7. In your neighbourhood;  dog/cat walking, yard work, running errands for people.  When I was nine I started a summer business by giving out hand-made flyers telling my neighbours that if they needed a job done I would do it.  I made enough to buy a full load of groceries for six people in one week.

    Good luck my young friend.

  8. At 12 the best places to look for work are Mexico and China because in the United States, there are labor laws that protect you from legally working for an employer. You can however work for yourself and/or your family but the only legal way to do it is with a legal business license and tax ID. Sure you can mow lawns and do all kinds of stuff "under the table" but you should really protect yourself financially and legally. By accepting money you are under certain liabilities. My advice is to check with Junior Achievements (see link below) and check the library for one or more of the many books written for teens and tweens. You CAN get a profitable business going for yourself but you must do it legally.

  9. lemonade stand

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