
Where can i find a pen pal in australia?

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I am 14 and am living in the uk. My dad has applied for the australian navy and has got in so we will be moving too australia in about a year so i want too get too no what it is like over there and everything.

Any good sites?




  1. i'm from Australia so you can ask me anything

  2. Me! :D


  3. I teach year 7 and year 8 in an area near a large Australian naval base and could find some kids to write to you without any problems if you like. Several of them would have parents in the navy who understand what it's like to move around, plus they're your age. Let me know. I'm sure there'd be many kids interested in writing to someone from the UK.

  4. im from australia. what do you want to know?

    i dont know any good sites.

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