
Where can i find a piercing gun ?

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Where can i buy a piercing gun an how much would it cost? An do they work or are they junk?




  1. i know at my walmart u can get one for like $4

  2. in a piercing gun shop

  3. you can buy one on the internet.

    and some of them work and some of them don't.

    it depends on the brand.

  4. Piercing guns only work for ears and not cartlidge. You can pierce cartlidge with it but 98 percent of the time it will get infected. I don't know what state you live in but if there is a Sallys beauty supply store nearby, they have them. I see them all the time. I think they're like 30 dollars at the most.

  5. walmart has them....i think they are like 4.95 and they are where the earrings careful what u are gonna use it for b/c its ahrd on certain places like the cartalidge and nose and so on. it can shatter some cartalidge some places...... use a sterile needle for those places

  6. better not to. trust me

  7. haha i actually saw one at wal-mart but id look into other places first.

  8. At Sally's.

    I hope you don't plan on doing this though.. unless you know what you're doing.

  9. walmart has 1 time use piercing guns for $5.00 It works good i used it :)

  10. i got trained by studex and brought the kit for £40. that included the gun, 12 bottles of lotion, 12 sets of studs, pen etc etc etc.

    it was worth the money because i had so many clients that they actually paid for the gun in the end.

    so try studex, really good quality, you can buy them on ebay for pennys,, but there cheap/tacky and come from hongkong


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