
Where can i find a proffesional video camcorder for around 600 pounds?

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Where can i find a proffesional video camcorder for around 600 pounds?




  1. You would need to buy used to buy a professional class camcorder, the bare minimum spec would be something with 3ccds, manual exposure modes, manual audio control and XLR audio inputs.

    Basic professional models such as the Sony PD100, PDX10, PD150 or DSR200 may be in budget used, but these are all rather old models now, so no true widescreen, no HD facility.

    If you provide more information about what you actually want to use the camera for and what you actually mean by professional......

    Before you spend any money on a professional camcorder I would spend some money and time on training first.  A pro will have a better idea what is required, what to pay and how to actually get good results out of a camera.

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