
Where can i find a quote for California Private Patrol operator liability insurance? How much is it normally?

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Where can i find a quote for California Private Patrol operator liability insurance? How much is it normally?




  1. Contact a local P&C agent.  

    Property and Casulty, that is.   Some agents have earned a CPCU.  If your phone book has this catagory, contact one of them.  

    There is no 'normal' rate, since it depends upon how many guards you will have, their weapons training, and the risk of large jury some other factors.  Under the doctrine of Respondent Superior, if a guard does something stupid (in the eyes of a jury), the guard will not lose his home...but you can.  

    Speak with a person skilled in asset protection - before there is a need!!!  My site is www.EndlessLegacy.US   There are some forms you may wish to use to help avoid major losses.

    If I was licensed for it in your state, I would jump at the opportunity to help a new guy starting out.

    Hint:  To keep your best people, offer them something long term, where they can see the benefit of continued association.  (That is in my area, so I am biased.)

    Good luck!

  2. Try to visit this website which I just came across, a lot of info on Insurance Quotes:

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