
Where can i find a respectable modelling agency for my 12year old girl?

by  |  earlier

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in berkshire preferably




  1. At 12 years old, your daughter certainly isn't old enough to know what she wants. These are some of the most important years of her life, and you shouldn't be trying to get her into modeling. Your daughter could end up developing an eating disorder from the pressure to be thin, along with other problems like low self esteem and depression. Forget the superficial modeling and let her focus on school, being young, and having fun with friends.

  2. Why is this question in the Travel section., Asia Philippines ?

  3. Take some ordinary pictures of her and send them to modeling agencies; they don't need to be studio quality photographs because the agencies will be able to tell from normal pictures whether she is suitably photogenic.

    There are several websites that explain the pros and cons of modeling, look them up and read their guides. Remember never to part with money - a genuine agency will NEVER ask you for money.

  4. Surely she has other things to be thinking about, like school. She's not been in secondary school long. Tell her she can think about modelling when she's a bit older.

  5. yet another parent exploiting there child

    let her have a childhood

  6. Contact Storm models. These were the people that discovered Kate Moss. They're in London. If they don't want her then you should think about another career for your daughter. She only wants to be in the premier division. Less than this and the only work she will get will be that of handing out flyers from time to time and then into p**n.

  7. i def wouldnt want my 12 year old to model - try to get her into something else - i don't think it's very healthy.

  8. A "respectable" modelling agency would not take on a child so vulnerable and young.

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