
Where can i find a shop that sells anime related items, in frankston or hampton park in victoria?

by Guest62752  |  earlier

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or atleast around those general areas




  1. If you mean cartoon characters then go to Crown Casino Complex

  2. I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with those areas...

    but your best bet is Chinatown, in the City... I forget what street it is but there would have to be a few shops that sell anime related stuff......

    Also you could try Springvale... there's probably a few places there and I know for certain that at Waverley Gardens shopping centre has a shop called 'game bubble' and that sells plenty of anime figurines.

    I like a bit of anime! ...good luck.

  3. If you mean animal related items try Princes Hwy  Dandenong  Robbies pet supplies.

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