
Where can i find a site on how to commit successful suicide?

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Where can i find a site on how to commit successful suicide?




  1. if you go to your local hospita they will help you.

  2. If you need someone to talk too..  You can IM me...  Suicide is never the answer...  I am sure, what ever ails you it can't be that bad..  Talk to someone!

  3. Whatever you may be feeling....loneliness, sadness, hopelessness, is only temporary. Reconsider your search for a suicide instruction website. The fact that you posted a question like that on this website is an attempt to reach out for help. We who have answered your question are offering that help. Remember suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

  4. should probably seek help from a professional.

  5. PleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASE don't commit suicide! Life has so much to offer! I don't know what you're going through or what makes you want to end it, but God cares, and so do I! I will pray for you and hope you change your mind. Just remember how much God loves you.

  6. buy the book hole in my head by ima shot it started out as an auto biography but ended as a biography

  7. NOTHING is worth taking your life.  It may sound simple but ask God to help you to see why you should live.  Don't let the devil win.  Life is a gift that we need to treasure. I will pray for you.

  8. Please call a hotline,go to a hospital,or talk to someone.Things may seem realy bad now,but things

    will change.You never know what great things are

    around the corner for you.We all go through realy bad times,but you can't give up or quit on life.It's going to get better though you may not think so now.Please,hang in there;I know your strong.

  9. 1. get a handgun

    2. put ammo in gun

    3. stick gun in mouth, pointing upwards towards brain (don't do the stupid gun to temple might slip and hurt someone that's worth a d**n.

    4. pull trigger

  10. Here is you Guide to Suicide

  11. There might be one, but if there is, I'm not going to provide it. I would like you to choose life instead. Please share what is going on with a close family member and friend. Asking for help isn't easy, but it will be worth it in the long run!!!!! :)

  12. try:




  13. do you know suicide is bad.....

  14. Oh my god!! Honestly, don't do it. I've done everything but actually committing suicide and it is NOT worth it. You need to talk with someone who cares about you and if you don't know someone who you feel comfortable talking to about it, then I'll talk to you! I've had the experience of it and I won't tell you why you should feel better, but I can try and help you!

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