
Where can i find a stirling engine who can generate more than 10 Kw for sale ?

by  |  earlier

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I want to use a Stirling engine (working with solar power) in my farm to pump water and to generate electricity for home use but i cant find a seller any one can help me.




  1. I found several leads on a 10 kW Stirling engine at the reference site.

  2. I have, for several years, been looking for an Stirling engine like the one you you mention, buy I have had no luck. I have beeen thinking in making my own wind (turbine) motor, 9 meters diameter, and move with it a big size oil pump, to use power.

  3. Consider bio-gas from a methane digester to run a gas powered generator if you have a good amount of farm waste. You get the benefit of cooking fuel/ house fuel. If you have a water source that has some decent drop/ speed you can use a hydraulic ram pump which requires no fuel at all (see the link below). Anywhere near a river or sufficient stream you can find a simple non-power technology to run water. If you have wind and a well (head) that is also a consideration. There must be half a dozen ways to get all the water you need and many don't require fueled engines.

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