
Where can i find a video ((like youtube has)) on how to tango??

by  |  earlier

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i really want to learn and i just dont have as much time as i wish to take a class for ballroom or just tango w/e




  1. I asked a question like this earlier and a person referred me to this video, and it's very good.

  2. go heree:

  3. just type in how to tango, ballroom etc to youtube..?


  5. search google

  6. Learning from a video is not as good as getting out there to a club and doing it for real.  Sure you can learn 'steps' but it is a whole different game on the dance floor.  Dancing is a social activity and requires you to be with other people.

    (If you are a girl) everything depends on what your Lead knows.  So no matter how much you learn from a video (you are not guaranteed to use it) - your partner will probably know different steps.

    The best thing to do is to learn the basic step of a dance, find a social hub and then get out there so you can learn how to 'follow' - (You can't learn this on a video).  Lead/Following is about the non-verbal communication between partners.  In all social dance this is the most important element.

    Real experience is the best teacher for learning dance.

  7. watch this!

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