
Where can i find a website for cook county sherif application?

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for chicago Illinios




  1. The most recent applications were

    November, 2007.  It takes them a while

    to process the applicants.  My niece

    just took the exam a couple of months


    Here's a link for other Sheriff's Departments

    in Illinois.  You may want to check them out

    for openings.  Good luck.

  2. There are no online application. You have to go to the Daley Center to pay for a seal when they give out the application. The fee for the seal isn't expensive. Whenever the city announce that they are accepting applications that is when you can go and apply. Call 311 and they will connect you with the hiring dept. or you can contact your alderman and find out information for application for county sheriff, they should be able to help with information.

  3. is the website for the Cook County Sheriff, but it looks like applications are only handed out and then only occasionally -- no online applications.

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