
Where can i find a website for myself as a charity?

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I am presently in need and I have 2 children. I just moved to a new state because I was in an abusive relationship and we had no choice but to get out! A lot of the agencies can't really help us so I want to know if there is any way to raise money for a home(apartment) and furnishings. I am a very self sufficient woman and I am diligently looking for employment. I just want us to be stable.




  1. To become acharity takes alot opf government paperwork. You can make a sute and ask ppl to help you butb there are 3 problems with that 1. People tend not to believe what they read on net bec there are so many scams 2. Promoting the site is likely to cost more than the site nets you. 3. The abuser may use it to find you.

    A better solution may be to go to which is the national domestic violence hotline. There you can find info about the family violence center in your area.  That center can probably help you to get the help you need to make a new start and also help to keep your whereabouts private.

  2. It is illegal to solicit donations for personal gain.  Only registered nonprofit agencies may do so.  Search out  Catholic Charities in your area and request an interview.  They help provide many services and also guide you toward independence.

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