
Where can i find a website that tells me my realtives that are famous like my tenth cousin 2 times removed?

by Guest33090  |  earlier

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For intinsts my name Nick Newman and i could be realted to terrance newman or ryan newman. Also my moms maiden name is angela brosius and she could be realed to scott brosius




  1. has all the famous people and all of their cousins.

    I looked your family up. My, my, my. You were the reason your parents got married; they tied the knot in June and you arrived that November.

    At least they got married. Your uncle Leroy had children by three women and never married any of them. Two of his wild oats arrived within 2 months of each other, so he was a two-timer as well as a cad.

    I see your grandmother is a widow. I wonder if she'd like to buy an elaborately illustrated Bible from a fast talking salesman with curly brown hair? $19.99 down and $19.99 a month for 24 months . . .

    Your grandmother's maiden name was McGillicuddy. With that and your SSN I can empty out your bank account.

    I hope you can see I am kidding, and why ethical genealogists never post birth, death or marriage dates about living or recently departed people.

    Most kids who post here want a magic web site that will do 250 hours of genealogy research for them in the time it takes to download an MP3 song. You want at least twice that; 250 hours on you, another 250 on Ryan Newman. It doesn't exist.

  2. ancestry.

    lol,  it says my 2nd cousin is Marlon Brando

  3. Ted is correct.

    However, the first person was also correct.

    The truth is, with, which you have to have a paid subscription to, it CAN give you a list of SOME of your famous cousins.........some living (Hillary Clinton is a cousin on my list), but most are long dead.  HOWEVER, to get any results for that list, YOU have to enter in several generations of your own family tree information, AND someone would of had to do the same thing for the famous people who show up on your list.  What the database does is compare the information in your tree with information in other peoples trees and finds common links.  Now for the tricky part.........this will only work IF you enter enough generations of information (just using your name and your parents names will get you no where).  You will need at least 5 or 6 generations of ancestors to get any results, and the information MUST be accurate.  Secondly, the information in the other person's tree MUST be accurate.  Otherwise, the results you get will not be accurate.  The people it says are your cousins may not really be, but unless you do REAL genealogy research, you will never know the difference.

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