
Where can i find a work in Amsterdam city?

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I will be living in Asmterdam from this fall and i want to find some job. I am a European, Polish citizen and i speak English, Polish, French, and communicate in Spanish and Chinise Mandarine. I finished high school in The USA. Im thinking about restaurant, bar, anytihng like that. I have experience. Is there any possobility to find job like that in amsterdam? Is is hard? if it is possible where should i look and how much aprox can i earn a month? thank you!




  1. It's a pity you don't speak Dutch.

    Anyway you can send some resume to some of those websites:

    And, why not, even if u don't speak Dutch,try anyway to apply to Coffee Company [], they are looking for a barista [barman that makes coffee ndr]

    it's 6 months that there's a bar in the center closed because they can't find baristas...that's crazy, man!

    You can also try to find a work in AH, Albert hein, the most famous (and biggest) supermarket in the NL:

    make your application in:

    Good Luck,

    DaZ (Italian guy in NL)

  2. The Red Light District! :)

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