
Where can i find acting classes in TX or cali. that would help me becaome an actress. and doesnt cost alot?

by  |  earlier

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OK I've been doing this for about 2 years now looking for classes i found them i called but then they never call back so yea i get down but that doesn't stop me i try no matter what. This might sound kiddish but its my dream to become an actress. i want this more then anything and if y'all can help me that would mean a lot to me. I've called bravo talent i went to audition and i did but i couldn't call back because my mom was working so yea that time it just walked right by me which brought me down but like i said it wont make me give up i have 4 people right now helping me as much as they can to accomplish my dream which means a lot to me. So if you can it would mean the world . thanks Jennifer Corona.




  1. LA has a bunch!!!!!!!!

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